You are missed by so many of us.
Thinking of David and family at this very sad time.
in memory of Jan our much loved friend for so many years may she rest in peace and may with her lbeloved boys and may David find solace until they meet again
With our love, prayers and respect for a lovely lady who was so good and kind to us during our brief stay as neighbours , friends, colleagues in Cardiff so many years ago. May she rest in peace with her boys. Our love and heartfelt sympathy to David on this tragic loss. Fergus and Jackie o'Connor
Jan, our love goes with you. Thinking of you David - stay strong.
Jan , lovely lady and friend who I will sadly miss , sending love to David , Julia , Toby , Alice and family x
Remembering Jan with happy childhood memories and thinking of David and all the close family at this sad and difficult time
In memory of dear Jan. One of the best. RIP Love Lynda and Peter
Thinking of you all, especially Uncle David. I so wish we could be there today. Lots of love. Xx
A brave lady for whom the past few years have not been the best. Rest in peace Jan.
Goodbye to our long-standing neighbour
Thinking of you all so much - my dear godmother and aunt.
Jan was a much loved aunt who will be sorely missed. She is in part responsible for my love of books and reading and her birthday present of "Jane Eyre" many years ago is a much treasured item. My family and I will miss her.
A very dear Sister and Aunt who will be greatly missed.
With fond memories
I loved you so much but the best bit was that we loved each other .You were a wonderful Mother and a fantastic wife .Please look after Simon and Paul. xxxx
I loved you so much and I will miss you forever
Love you forever nan xx
Goodbye to a lovely lady and friend
Rest in peace Auntie Jan. Sending love to Uncle David. Xx
Thinking of David, Julia and all of the family at this terribly tragic time. Much love.
Sending love to you all x
Thinking of Jan and taking comfort from the fact she is with Simon and Paul xxx
Thinking of a beautiful, wonderful Mother in Law
I will always be thinking of you Nanny and it's comforting to know that you are back with your boys again. I love you so much, from Alice xxxxx